Finished in a proprietary gold-tone, the Emerson Frame 4 X 6 Vertical (Gold) surrounds your favorite 4x6 vertical photo in a golden hue. A brilliant look when displayed on the mantle, desk, or shelf. Composed of a metal alloy and a proprietary metallic finish. The frame has been designed to stand vertically without the aid of support. Beatriz Ball’s intensely handmade products employ eco-friendly and sustainable materials and are crafted by artisans who trace a heritage of metalworking for generations. An original Beatriz Ball design, sustainably handmade of a top quality, easy-care, aluminum alloy. Tarnish free.
Size: 8 x 6 x 0.5
Weight: 1.75lb
This piece is hand-wash only. Please do not put in the dishwasher.